Update on the DB Church Dragon Boat Team Enrollment
I have submitted the form to enroll our team, fingers crossed we get a spot!
So far we have 15 people signed-up , including 7 women. The rules state that we need at least 21 people, and for a mixed team there have to be at least 8 women.
So we only need 7 more people and at least one more woman.
The boat take 22 people: 20 paddlers, 1 steersman and 1 drummer. The organisers can provide a steersman, so we don't have to worry about that.
As part of the enrollment I have signed a waiver of liability as team captain on behalf of the team. The points of the waiver are:
warrant that the information supplied is true and correct
declare that I am healthy and physically fit to participate in dragon boat races and practice sessions and I am entering this races and practice sessions at my own risk
declare that I am able t swim at least 100m with clothes
agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set by the Organizing Committee; and
agree that HKR International Limited, Hong Kong Resort Company Limited, Discovery Bay Services Managemetn Limited and any of their subsidiaries, affiliates and associated companies and any of the officers, employees, agents of those companies shall not be held liable or responsible to me for any injuries, loss of property and death in connection with and/or arising out of the practice sessions and this race.
I will be in touch about our team's enrollment status and practice sessions shortly.
(Last Modified 1/8/2019)
Video of the DB Church Dragon Boat Team:

Nils Cornelius, 13/05/2019